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Help for the musculoskeletal system

  • Low back pain (LBP)

  • Sarcopenia & Dynapenia

  • Myofascial Pain Syndromes (MSS)

  • Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

  • Complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS)

  • Post Stroke spasticity (PSDM)

  • Post Stroke Spasticity (PSS)

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

  • Tissue resilience & optimization


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Life without

back pain

The posture at the desk, the strain during sports or increasing age – back pain is one of the most
common types of pain in our society. Up to 80 % of all men and women complain of back pain during their lifetime, which often leads to sleep problems, stress and dissatisfaction. A dangerous and vicious cycle. Flashwave® therapy improves your stability through symptomatic relief and functional improvement of the musculature and consequently alleviates back pain. Patients often report a noticeable improvement immediately after the first treatment with Flashwave®, which is stabilized in the long term by two to three follow-up treatments.

Healthy musculature

in old age


With advancing age, an age-related loss of muscle mass often occurs, called sarcopenia in specialist circles. Sarcopenia is usually associ­ated with a lack of muscle strength, the so-called dynapenia. This means that the few remaining muscles are weaker than they should be and se­verely restrict the movements of those affected.


To prevent this, Flashwave® therapy stimulates the satellite cells of your muscle to regenerate and regrow healthy lean muscle. Your body builds up new pure muscle mass, effectively compensates for the loss and regains strength that you previously lost due to aging.

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS)

Triggered by overloading or muscle weakness, painful permanent contraction can occur in so-called trigger points in the muscle tissue. This pain syndrome is also known as myofascial pain syn­drome (MPS) and so far patients have only been able to avoid surgery with protracted physio­therapy.


Flashwave® therapy can be used with MPS as an effective alternative without surgery, medica­tion and side effects. The targeted activation of stem cells effectively combats all problems as­sociated with MPS.

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Causes such as stress, poor nutrition and tension lead to fibromyalgia (FMS) in 2 to 8 % of people. For those affected, this means widespread pain in various parts of the body, unpleasant stiffness and chronic fatigue.

Flashwave® therapy is based on the activation of stem cells in the treatment of FMS and improves the patient‘s symptoms without invasive inter­vention or side effects.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Persistent pain, also known as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), can occur as a result of injuries, postoperative complications or frac­tures. This syndrome can affect mobility as well as body perception.

Flashwave® therapy stimulates regional blood circulation and affects both inflammatory and immunological sites.

Even severe pain is reduced and the sensation of pain is normalized, enabling a pain-free life without pharmaceutical support.

Muscle disorders after stroke (PSMD)

Muscle disorders after a stroke (PSMD) often lead to long-term disabilities and emotional stress. One in four stroke patients also suffers from so-called stroke spasticity (PSS). This means that their motor skills are permanently affected or damaged.

Patients suffering from PSMD or PSS can not only be helped to rejuvenate their movement memory with Flashwave® therapy, but also the formation of new nerve tracts can be supported. This means that the treatment supports the re­habilitation function and enables a faster and more comprehensive recovery of PSMD and PSS.

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